MPhys Project Marks and Feedback Site

This website is intended for students enrolled on the MPhys Project (PHYS5014 Project) module and for Physics staff involved in teaching this module. Other users will not find any information here that will be useful to them.


You can view all your feedback sheets that have been uploaded to the system by clicking on the feedback link in the menu above. You will be asked to log in using your University of Leeds username and password (i.e. the same ones used to login to the email and Minerva).

From there you will be presented with a summary of your assigned project, including who your assessor is and a list of the various mark sheets that have been uploaded and that you can download for feedback on your performance.

The links on the menu to the right will allow you to download blank marking sheets and also the sample criteria that are used in assessing you work.


After you have logged in, you will see links in the right menu that will let you mark student work for the students who are doing projects you are the supervisor or assessor for. You will also be able to view the current record of any of the students from the feedback link in the menu above.

This site is continues to be somewhat experimental and any technical issues with using it should be reported to Dr Gavin Burnell. Any queries about the module, marking or deadlines, should be directed to the module leader, Dr Simon Connell.